- curious people
A replacement for commerical FPGA design suites?
The current open source FPGA tools are in no way a
replacement for commercial offerings like
in the year 2000, Linux was in no way a replacement for
Solaris from Sun Microsystems.
Open Soure gives any interested developer the possibility
to look under the hood and tailor the current offering to
his own needs. So the open source FPGA toolchain is able
to fill some needs currently not adressed by commercial
As Python as a tool was a boost to the accessability and ease of programming, we need progress in the FPGA field towards easier and more powerfull tools, so that not only Electronics engineers, but software developers and even researchers them self can build FPGA solutions.
how about Xilinx, Altera and others?
We move forward as we have documentation about the chips available. There are huge differences in strategic interest of the chip manufacturers. We consider it currenlty very unlikely that Xilinx as the market leader will make available any chip documentation as NVidia still can afford to not make documentation available about its graphics chips.
Other FPGA chip companies might have different interests
and the market is moving as Intel recently bought Altera
and there are new contenders.

Clifford knows how to legally reverse engineer Xilinx
chips (especially Series 7). Its just that it is a lot of
boring work and Clifford is not interested in doing this
work. If someone is willing to put in the effort,
Clifford might help you out with some hints. But be
prepared: you need to have serious knowledge in CS and
EE. Some first hints you find
why Lattice chips?
Lattice ICE40 series was simple enough the be reverse engineered with reasonable effort, on the other hand their chips are cheap, modern and large enough to be userfull for real designs.
Will VHDL be supported by Yosys?
There are currently no plans by Clifford to support
VHDL. A current unifinished attempt to implement it you
can find is at https://github.com/forflo/yodl.
Why do we need an open source FPGA toolchain?
Let me quote Google:
"If TensorFlow is so great, why open source it rather than keep it proprietary? The answer is simpler than you might think: We believe that machine learning is a key ingredient to the innovative products and technologies of the future. Research in this area is global and growing fast, but lacks standard tools. By sharing what we believe to be one of the best machine learning toolboxes in the world, we hope to create an open standard for exchanging research ideas and putting machine learning in products"
So do we think that it requires a common plattform on
which innovation in the field of FPGA programming
can happen. And for economic and strategic reasons, this
common plattform must not be owned by one private
company, but need to be a common good, open and hackable
and affordable for everyone.
What are small and slow FPGAs used for (with little SRAM) ?
Today most embedded problems can be solved with a cheap 32bit MCU.
Those are also much easier to programm than FPGAs.
But small FPGAs are an absolute must if you have a
problem which requires very fast reaction time,
very precise synchronisation of multiple sensors or actuators or you need very accurate timing of events.
This is the case when you need fast control loops
controlling very fast processes (like controlling fast
spinning motors, regulating voltage or electric current,
when you want to filter data very fast (like in a logic
analyser looking in realtime for a trigger situation) or
in driving lots of nozzels in an Injet printhead or the
laser in a laserprinter (in case you do not want to have
printed trackable documents
Precise synchronisation you need when
you have system with lots of sensors where the
data acquisition need to be at the exact same time with
precise repetition (=low jitter) to be able to do a good
measurement (like in a MRI scanner or phased array
Here you can find a good video explaining when a FPGA might be a better solution than an embedded controller.
FPGAs are very well suited for high level math operations, especially for complex algorithms or when operating on data streams at a high data rate (in the MHz). The strength of an FPGA is its ability to pipeline operations which means that the algorithm is broken up spatially into different steps. Each cycle new data flows into the top of the pipe and the processed data exits at the end. In this way, each step of the process occurs simultaneously, like an assembly line, so that no single iteration of the algorithm is blocked by the iteration before. By contrast a processor is a sequential machine so each iteration of an algorithm has to wait until the previous one finishes before starting.
A CPU is doing one thing after the other, no matter how
fast it is clocked. And high end CPU are massive
pipelined, which increases the lattency of any code
FPGA are needed when you want to be sure that things
happen exactly at the same time on a microsecond scale.
This might be required treating several sensor inputs
(like in a MRI or other sensor arrays where timing is
critical) or a phased array antenna, or this might be at
the output like controlling several currents and voltages
of several motors to generate one smooth and precise
movement of one robot arm or CNC machine with minimal
electrical loss.
If you want to happen small things really fast (like a trigger at a logic analyser), CPUs with their task switching and pipeling of instructions just react too slow. You want to have the trigger be implemented in hardware.
If you want things to be reliable and save, then you implement something in hardware. Simple hardware circuits are much simpler to prove to be error free that a whole CPU with its operating system software stack and the simple application on top. Complicated software can not be implemented in hardware, So there you need to "use the complex stack. But if you dont have a complex problem, you can keep it simple by implementing it in programmable hardware.
Small FPGAs can move closer to the sensors and make the edge smart. This simplifies system design and software development a lot. The signal conditioning and validation and aggregation could be done directly at the sensor.
Very often this could be done by a MCU, but when low
latency is important, FPGA are a better choice.
They can be used for indoor navigation system where the runtime of radiowaves determines the location of devices.
What can large and fast FPGAs (with GB of RAM attached to them) be used for?
The european defence agency identified the following application areas for FPGA
- Optronic (image processing)
- Software Defined Radio (radar, signal intelligence
and electronic warfare)
- Missile (control)
- Modem (data transmission, data encryption)
- Navigation and guidance (GPS, GPS spoofing)
Other areas are:
High Performance Computing
Low Latency TradingMulti-core FPGA Prototyping and SoC Prototyping, ASIC Prototyping
Code verification
Chip design verification and simulation
Cloud computing
Video and Audio compression and filtering
Algorithm acceleration
GenomicsNetwork Encryption
Network Analysis (deep packet inspection)
Radio Communication (Software defined Radio)
Simulation and supercomputing (Oil and Gas)
High frequency trading (making money out of thin air)
Network Switching (Software defined Networking)
Video processing (Broadcast solutions)Streamed Data filtering (Cern)