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- university teachers
icoBoard 1.0
Attention! icoBoard 1.0 has a
different pinout than the icoBoard beta. Find pinout

icoBoard_1.0 is available in single quantity for a price of 90 Euro directly from stock plus taxes plus plus shipping.

These icoBoards 1.1 do also have the option of up to
8MBit SRAM (could be used e.g. for a 8 bit 640*480
framebuffer), but those version will be 20 Euro more
If you have an icoBoard please join
Infos about icoBoard 1.0 (also called gamma )

The icoBoard is pin compatible with the RaspberryPI 2B
and RaspberryPi B+ and all later revisions like the
RaspberryPi or Raspberry Zero. You can use the icoBoard
1.0 also with pincompatible boards like the OrangePi, but
we did not test them. The icoBoard is not pin compatible
with the original first RaspberryPi.
Please find the full electrical schematic here. This schematic contains some
Following image is an corrected exzerpt from the
schematic relevant to the 4 PMOD connectors.
Pinout Pmod P1 and P2

Pinout PMOD P3 and P4

Pinout 4*17 100 mil connectors