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icoBOARD is a FPGA based IO board for RaspberryPi

The icoBOARD contains a Lattice FPGA with 8k LUT, 100MHz max clock, up to 8 MBit of SRAM and is programmable in Verilog by a complete open source FPGA toolchain.

The icoTC (toolchain consisting of Yosys and ArachnePnR and icetools) for the Lattice ICE40 series does support all chip components like PLLs, Block RAMs, the WARMBOOT macro, dedicated carry logic, and IO blocks. The icoBoard is pincompatible with the RaspberryPi 2B, newer versions and any board using the same pinout. The icoTC can generate bitstream-files directly on the RaspberryPi.

The icoBoard can also be operated standalone without RaspberrPi. Up to 200 IO Pins or 20 PMOD modules can be connected to the icoBOARD. 3 flatflex connectors are available to connect additional boards. 

For people already having an icoBoard_Beta, please see this page.


September 2016: icoBoards 1.1 are available with 8 MBit SRAM

July 2016: 100 icoBoards1.0 have been manufactured are are available for purchase.

AJune 2016: We will present icoBoard at FPGA Kongress in Munich on 14th of July 2016

June 2016: icoBoard 1.0 is available now for 90 Euro

June 2016: We did port Contiki 2.0 to our Risc-V SoC running on the icoBoard

Feb 2016: BQ, the spanish mobilephone manufacturer, is building a Lattice based Arduinoboard using the icoTC.

Feb 2016: The first commercial product using the icoTC will be the Wiggleport

Feb 2016: Designwin. Olimex will manufacture FPGA Boards with Lattice FPGAs using icoTC.

Feb 2016: Silego Technologies as a manufacturer of programmable chips will work with us to support their chips in our toolchain.

Feb 2016: You want to work on a Verilog project during "Google Summer of Code" using Yosys and ArachnePnR? Get in contact with us.

Jan 2016: We will be at Embedded World in Nürnberg from 23-26 Feb

Jan 2016: We will be at Fosem 2016 in Brussels  Link

Jan 2016: Clifford managed to finalize the timing analysis for the FPGA:

Jan 2016: We are shipping out Beta boards to developers

Dec 2015: Hackeraday features Clifford

Dec 2015: Clifford did his presentation at 32c3